The discovery of a plant eATP receptor appeared in more than 75 international, national and state media outlets
Articles about a plant eATP discovery have appeared in more than 75 international, national and state media outlets, including: (#17 most visited science news website)
Science Daily (#2 most visited science news website)
EurekAlert (#9 most visited science news website)
PhysOrg.Com (#27 most visited science news website) (#43 most visited news website)
Articles about a plant eATP discovery in other languages:
Curare lo stress nelle piante: passi avanti dalla ricerca cellulare
Link to the story in Italian HERE
식물에선 못찾던 ‘ATP 수용체’ 마침내 발견
Link to the story in Korean HERE
식물 생장의 `핵심 유전자` 찾았다
Link to the another story in Korean HERE
The Science Journal paper HERE