An update on the press release: “Newly Discovered Receptors in Plants Help Them Recover from Environmental Changes, Pests, and Plant Wounds, MU Study Shows.”

An update on the press release: “Newly Discovered Receptors in Plants Help Them Recover from Environmental Changes, Pests, and Plant Wounds, MU Study Shows.” by Jeff Sossamon

Since posting on January 16, we have received more than 178 international, national and state media placements, most notably, ScienceDaily, EurekAlert, Futurity, and a feature article in the Columbia Missourian.  A more detailed list including links is listed below.
National Placements:   
1/16/14                Science Daily (#2 most visited science news website)
1/16/14                EurekAlert (#9 most visited science news website)                        
1/16/14                PhysOrg.Com (#27 most visited science news website)
1/16/14        (#43 most visited news website)
1/22/14                Mizzou Advantage
1/23/14       (#17 most visited science news website)
NOTE: This story also ran in 167 other national media outlets
State Placements:
1/20/14                Columbia Missourian
Social Media:
EurekAlert: 1,366 views
Facebook: University of Illinois Plant Clinic (1,051 members)
Facebook: The Tree Geek (400 members)
Facebook: Florida Native Plant Society (6,077 members)
Twitter Re-Tweets: 20 times