Stacey Lab and Missouri Life Sciences Week 2018.

Stacey Lab and Missouri Life Sciences Week 2018.

Joining in the energetic Missouri Life Sciences week 2018, Stacey Lab members had a wonderful time participating and exchanging ideas.

Ph.D. student, Beverly J. Agtuca shared her research on applying new mass-spectrometry methods to understand the rhizobial-soybean symbiosis.  Beverly was one of only 6 students in the physiology category who were recognized at the awards ceremony for her work.

One of our youngest scientists, undergraduate Sterling Evans presented a very nice poster focused on improving methods for CRISPR/CAS9 editing of soybean using virus-based vectors. Missing is a similar picture of the poster by undergraduate Miki Hodel, who conducted related research focused on using different promoters to increase CRISPR/CAS9 editing efficiency.


A visiting Ph.D. student from Brazil, Marina Cotta, discusses her poster with Ph.D. student Cuong Nguyen. Marina is another example of our very productive and continuing collaboration with the University of Parana in Brazil focused on understanding the mechanisms by which plant growth promoting bacteria interact with plants.

Cuong Nguyen and the rest of our laboratory congratulation Beverly Agtuca on her award for the outstanding poster.

Thank you to all who came to enjoy visiting our posters and to support Missouri Life Sciences Week. See you next year!